Posted by Tyler Chancey, GCFA on

Tyler Chancey is a cybersecurity professional currently serving as the Director of Cyber Security at Scarlett Cybersecurity Services. With a solid foundation in Computer Software Engineering from the University of Florida, Tyler holds a repertoire of certifications that underscore his expertise. These include the prestigious Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert and Microsoft 365 Certified: Security Administrator Associate, showcasing his mastery in Microsoft's enterprise solutions. Tyler's commitment to comprehensive security is further evidenced by his CompTIA Security+ certification, demonstrating proficiency in core cybersecurity principles. Additionally, his GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA) credential attests to his advanced skills in forensic analysis—an invaluable asset in today's complex cybersecurity landscape. Tyler's dedication to staying at the forefront of industry standards is evident in the active pursuit and maintenance of these certifications, making him a trusted authority in the field.

Tyler C., GCFA 

Job title: Director of Cyber Security
Expertise: Information Security, Cybersecurity Incident Response, Cybersecurity Compliance, Cyber Policy
Education: University of Florida, Computer Software Engineering


  • Director of Cyber Security at Scarlett Group since 2022 
  • Holds GCFA and Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator certifications
  • Expertise in compliance, incident response and cyber policy


Tyler C. currently serves as the Director of Cyber Security at Scarlett Group in Jacksonville, Florida. He first joined Scarlett Group in 2019 as a Cyber Security Consultant, before being promoted to his current director role in 2022. Tyler has over 4 years of experience providing cybersecurity services to American private and public organizations.


Tyler earned his degree in Computer Software Engineering from the University of Florida in 2016. While at UF, he developed expertise in programming and software development.

Licenses & Certifications:

  • Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert (Issued May 2023)
  • GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA) (Issued Jan 2019, Expires Jan 2027)  
  • Microsoft 365 Certified: Security Administrator Associate (Issued Jul 2022, Expired Jul 2023)
  • CompTIA Security+ (Issued Jun 2020, Expired Jun 2023)

Additional Skills: 

  • Customer Service, Leadership, Public Speaking, Network Security, Forensic Analysis, Disaster Recovery, Cloud Applications

Outsourcing IT services has become a practical solution for businesses seeking to reduce costs and improve efficiency. By partnering with specialized providers, companies can access advanced technology and expertise without the need for heavy in-house investments. This approach allows businesses to stay competitive while focusing on their core activities.

IT outsourcing involves delegating specific technology-related tasks to external vendors. This can range from data backups and maintenance to network management and cybersecurity. By outsourcing these functions, companies can leverage external expertise to handle complex projects and daily operations, ensuring smoother and more reliable performance.

According to stats, the global IT outsourcing market value is projected to reach at 541.10 billion U.S. dollars in 2024. The same source indicates that by 2029, this market is expected to grow to nearly 812.70 billion U.S. dollars. These figures highlight the increasing reliance on outsourcing as a strategic business practice.

We have put together this detailed guide unveiling different strategies, and benefits of outsourcing IT management. 

What IT Outsourcing Really Means

IT outsourcing is the practice of hiring external vendors to handle certain technology-related tasks for a company. Instead of managing all IT functions internally, businesses can choose to assign tasks such as data management, network security, or technical support to specialized firms.

This approach helps companies tap into external expertise and resources, often leading to cost savings and improved efficiency. For example, a small business might outsource its cybersecurity needs to a company that specializes in protecting against online threats. This allows the business to focus on its core operations while ensuring that its data remains secure.

By outsourcing IT tasks, companies can reduce the need for large in-house IT teams, cut costs, and still maintain access to the latest technology and skills. This makes IT outsourcing an attractive option for companies of all sizes.

Why Businesses Turn to IT Outsourcing

Businesses today are increasingly turning to 3rd party managed services as a way to stay competitive and efficient. Whether they are small startups or large enterprises, outsourcing helps companies manage their IT needs without overextending their internal resources.

By working with external providers, businesses can focus more on their primary goals while maintaining effective IT operations.

Additionally, managed service providers offer companies a flexible way to adapt to changing demands. Instead of building an in-house team from scratch, businesses can access expert services as needed, helping them manage growth and technological changes.

This approach is particularly beneficial when companies need to scale quickly or handle complex projects that require immediate expertise. In the next sections, we'll explore the advantages driving businesses to adopt IT outsourcing.

1. Cost-Saving Power of Outsourcing

One of the main reasons businesses turn to IT outsourcing is cost efficiency. Managing an in-house IT team can be expensive, with costs related to salaries, benefits, training, and equipment. MSPs allows companies to reduce these expenses by paying only for the services they need, often at a lower rate than hiring full-time employees.

Cut Operational Costs

With IT managed services, businesses can avoid many of the fixed costs associated with running an internal IT department. Instead of investing in infrastructure, office space, and software, companies can rely on service providers that already have these resources in place.

This can be especially advantageous for smaller organizations with limited budgets, allowing them to get professional IT support without stretching their finances.

Scale Up Without Breaking the Bank

Outsourcing also provides flexibility in scaling operations. As a company grows or experiences increased demand, it may need more IT support. Instead of hiring new employees, which can be both time-consuming and costly, they can simply adjust their managed services contract to match their needs.

They only pay for the services they require at any given time, leading to further savings. For example, a retail business with multiple locations might need IT support for its point-of-sale systems, website maintenance, and customer databases.

Instead of hiring a dedicated IT team for each store, they could outsource IT services. This would provide them with reliable support for system updates, troubleshooting, and security management while keeping costs manageable.

2. Tapping into Top-Tier Tech Talent

Outsourcing also provides businesses with access to specialized skills and technologies that might not be available in-house. This is especially beneficial for companies looking to stay competitive and innovate without constantly investing in new tools or hiring additional personnel.

Expert Knowledge at Your Fingertips

Many companies lack the time or resources to develop a highly specialized IT team. With managed IT service providers, they can tap into a wide range of technical expertise across various fields. Whether it’s cybersecurity, cloud computing, or software procurement, managed services give businesses the ability to bring in experts who are already trained and experienced.

Tap into the Latest Tech

Technology evolves rapidly, and staying up-to-date with the latest tools can be costly and time-consuming. Managed service providers are equipped with cutting-edge technologies, ensuring businesses have access to the latest developments without the need for constant upgrades or large capital investments.

This access allows companies to implement efficient systems and stay ahead without overextending their budgets. Consider a mid-sized healthcare provider. They may need to adopt sophisticated IT systems to manage patient records and ensure data security, but building an in-house IT team with the necessary skills would be expensive.

Managed IT services allow them to implement secure, reliable software managed by external experts, giving them access to both the technology and the know-how required for smooth operation. By outsourcing, businesses can tap into a pool of skilled professionals without the commitment of long-term employment.

3. Focus on Your Core and Let IT Experts Handle the Rest

One of the biggest advantages of outsourced IT services is that it allows businesses to concentrate on their core operations without getting bogged down by technical concerns. Outsourcing eliminates the need for managers and employees to divide their attention between IT and the tasks that drive growth.

Smooth Out Your Operations

By handing off IT tasks to a dedicated provider, companies can streamline their internal operations. They don’t need to spend time troubleshooting network issues or managing hardware upgrades, as their IT partner handles these aspects. This gives employees the time and focus they need to work on what matters which is growing the business and serving customers.

Less Stress and More Focus for Leaders

Outsourcing also means that management can dedicate more attention to strategic goals. Instead of constantly worrying about whether their internal IT systems are functioning properly, leaders can focus on business development, customer acquisition, and other high-level tasks. This results in better decision-making and long-term growth.

For example. With outsourcing, the company can focus on improving customer experience and expanding its product lines while its IT partner handles backend processes like managing their online store, ensuring data security, and updating payment systems.

Without the distraction of IT management, they can focus on what they do best, that is selling products and engaging with customers. Outsourcing IT lets businesses sharpen their focus on their main priorities, reducing operational distractions and improving efficiency.

4. Scaling Up (or Down) with Ease

Outsourcing IT services offers businesses the flexibility to adapt quickly to changing demands. As companies grow or shift priorities, their technology needs often follow suit. An in-house team might struggle to handle rapid changes, but an outsourced IT provider can easily adjust services based on your business requirements.

Expand Your Tech with Ease

Whether a company is expanding its operations or launching new projects, it requires more resources and support. Outsourced IT services allow businesses to scale their infrastructure as needed. Rather than hiring new employees or investing in costly hardware, businesses can simply work with their providers to scale up their technology needs. This ability to scale without added overhead is invaluable for businesses with fluctuating demand.

Save Money During Downturns

The benefit of scalability goes both ways. During slower periods, businesses can scale down their IT needs, reducing costs. By working with an external partner, they avoid being locked into fixed costs for infrastructure or staffing, creating an efficient use of resources. This flexibility helps companies manage their budgets more effectively, ensuring they’re only paying for what they need at any given time.

Consider a business that experiences seasonal surges, such as an online retailer during the holiday shopping season. Rather than maintaining a large IT staff year-round, they can rely on outsourced IT services to handle increased server loads, security monitoring, and customer support during peak periods.

Once the rush is over, they can scale back to a more basic service package, saving money while maintaining efficiency. Outsourcing provides the flexibility to adjust technology services to meet changing business needs, giving companies the agility to grow or reduce services without the burden of large investments or personnel changes.

5. Risk Management and Data Security

Outsourcing IT services brings a level of expertise that significantly improves how businesses handle risk and security. In today’s environment, cyber threats are growing, and companies need to stay ahead of these risks without straining internal resources.

Stay Alert: 24/7 Threat Monitoring

One of the major advantages of outsourcing IT management is access to specialized security teams who monitor systems around the clock. They actively look for vulnerabilities and threats that could harm a company’s data and systems. These teams use the latest technology and techniques to detect suspicious activities early and take immediate action before problems escalate.

Strengthen Your Data Security, Reducing Data Breaches

Outsourced IT providers help prevent data breaches by implementing strict security protocols and best practices that may be beyond the expertise of an in-house team. With dedicated resources focused solely on security, businesses are better protected from hackers, malware, and other cyber risks. This kind of support is especially critical for companies that handle sensitive customer data or financial information.

A small retail business might not have the budget to hire a full-time security team, but 3rd party IT services gives them access to the same protection as larger companies. Instead of trying to manage security in-house, they can rely on external experts to safeguard their payment systems and customer data.

This not only reduces risks but also gives them peace of mind knowing their business is well-protected.

Stay Compliant, Stay Safe

IT Outsourcing also helps businesses maintain compliance with regulations that require strong data protection measures. Many industries have strict guidelines around how data must be handled and stored, and failing to meet these standards can lead to fines and reputational damage. IT providers keep businesses compliant by ensuring they meet all necessary security standards and protocols.

By outsourcing IT, businesses reduce their risk exposure, improve their security, and gain access to resources that would otherwise be difficult to manage internally. This provides a strong layer of protection against modern cyber threats.

How IT Outsourcing Boosts Innovation

Outsourcing IT services doesn't just save time and money; it also opens the door to innovation by allowing businesses to leverage outside expertise and technologies.

Access Top-Tier Tech Talent

When companies outsource, they gain access to a wide range of technical skills that might not be available in-house. By tapping into experts who are constantly working with new technologies, businesses can adopt modern approaches without the need to train their internal teams. This allows them to implement cutting-edge solutions more quickly, driving progress in areas like automation, AI, and data analytics.

Focusing on Core Business Functions

Outsourcing IT allows companies to focus their internal resources on what they do best, instead of spreading them thin over non-core activities like managing servers or maintaining networks. With more time and energy freed up, companies can focus on developing new products, improving services, or exploring new markets—leading to breakthroughs in their primary business areas.

Imagine a retail company wanting to implement AI-driven analytics to predict customer behavior. Instead of building an in-house team from scratch, which would require months of hiring and training, they could outsource the task to an IT firm specializing in AI.

This way, the company quickly introduces advanced analytics, improving its ability to respond to market trends while staying focused on its retail operations.

Fast-Track Your New Ideas

Outsourcing often speeds up the development and deployment of new ideas. External teams can rapidly prototype and test innovations, while the business benefits from shorter time-to-market cycles. With fewer delays, companies can stay ahead of competitors and continuously evolve their offerings.

By outsourcing IT, businesses gain access to the skills, time, and resources needed to foster creativity and bring new ideas to life. This approach not only enhances their technological capabilities but also positions them to lead in innovation within their industry.

For instance, Slack partnered with MetaLab to renovate the logo, the user experience, and the messaging services.

Overcoming Outsourcing Challenges

Outsourcing IT services offers various benefits but also presents challenges that require careful management. Communication barriers can arise, especially with teams across different time zones, leading to misunderstandings and delays. To help address this issue, businesses will require regular video calls and detailed documentation.

Ensuring quality control is another challenge, as external teams may not align with a company’s standards; setting clear expectations and performing regular quality checks are essential. Data security and privacy risks are significant, requiring strict security protocols and compliance with regulations like GDPR or HIPAA.

Cultural differences can also impact collaboration, necessitating efforts to bridge these gaps. Additionally, while outsourcing can reduce costs, hidden expenses such as travel and training might offset initial savings. Addressing these issues proactively helps companies maximize the benefits of outsourcing.

Is IT Outsourcing Your Next Smart Move?

Here is a comparison table displaying the benefits of a 3rd party managed services provider versus having your own in-house team.


IT Outsourcing

In-House IT


Often lower due to reduced need for full-time staff and infrastructure.

Higher due to salaries, benefits, and infrastructure costs.


Access to specialized skills and technologies not available in-house.

Limited to the skills and expertise of current employees.


Less direct control over IT processes and decisions.

Greater control over IT processes and alignment with business goals.


Can quickly scale services up or down based on need.

Scaling up or down may require hiring or layoffs, which can be time-consuming.


Potential for communication barriers, especially if offshore.

Easier to communicate and collaborate with a local team.

Data Security

Risks associated with sharing sensitive data with third parties.

More control over data security and compliance.


May benefit from the latest technologies and practices implemented by the provider.

Innovation depends on the internal team’s capability and resources.


Allows internal staff to focus on core business functions.

IT staff may be diverted from strategic projects to handle daily operations.

Risk Management

Outsourcing agreements often come with contractual safeguards, but risks still exist.

Risks are managed internally, with direct oversight and response capabilities.

Long-Term Impact

Short-term benefits but might affect long-term strategic alignment.

Better alignment with long-term business strategies and growth.


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